Bespoke smoking cessation for people with severe mental ill health (SCIMITAR): A pilot randomised controlled trial
Smoking cessation intervention for mental ill health trial (SCIMITAR): A pilot randomised controlled trial of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a bespoke smoking cessation service
Smoking cessation in severe mental illness: what works?
Helping people with serious mental illness to cut down or stop smoking
Exploring why people with SMI smoke and why they may want to quit: baseline data from the SCIMITAR RCT
Making the journey with me: a qualitative study of experiences of a bespoke mental health smoking cessation intervention for service users with serious mental illness
Everything you wanted to know about e-cigarettes and vaping but were afraid to ask: a guide for mental health clinicians
E-cigarette use and associated factors among smokers with severe mental illness
Investigating smoking and nicotine dependence among people with severe mental illness during the COVID-19 pandemic: analysis of linked data from a UK Closing the Gap cohort
The effectiveness of a contingent financial incentive to improve trial follow up; a randomised study within a trial (SWAT)
Smoking Cessation Intervention for Severe Mental Ill Health Trial (SCIMITAR+): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
Smoking cessation in severe mental illness: combined long-term quit rates from the UK SCIMITAR trials programme
Smoking cessation for people with severe mental illness (SCIMITAR+): a pragmatic randomised controlled trial
Smoking cessation in severe mental ill health: what works? an updated systematic review and meta-analysis
Successful recruitment to trials: findings from the SCIMITAR+ Trial
Standard smoking cessation services in sites participating in the SCIMITAR+ trial for people with severe mental ill health
Challenges and solutions to nicotine replacement therapy access: observations from SCIMITAR+
Cost-effectiveness of a specialist smoking cessation package compared with standard smoking cessation services for people with severe mental illness in England: a trial-based economic evaluation from the SCIMITAR+ study
A bespoke smoking cessation service compared with treatment as usual for people with severe mental ill health: the SCIMITAR+ RCT
A systematic review of behavioural smoking cessation interventions for people with severe mental ill health—what works?